Crescent Salford Masterplan
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Connecting communities in Salford

Crescent Salford Masterplan

  • Location Salford, UK
  • Status Planning approved
  • Services Architecture, Urban design
  • Sectors
    Urban design,
  • Area 971,000m²/10,454,400ft²
  • Client English Cities Fund, Salford City Council, University of Salford

In partnership with the English Cities Fund, we’re leading the evolution of Crescent Salford, a regenerative 240-acre masterplan in Salford, Greater Manchester. Delivering 2,000,000ft² of public realm, 3,000 homes and 1,600,000ft² of commercial space, along with retail space, a hotel and transport infrastructure, the transformational scheme raises standards for sustainable development in the region. Make is the masterplan architect and the design guardian for all future developments on the site.

We’ve created character areas across the scheme, including innovation, education, parkland, transport and residential zones – all connected via new pedestrian and cycle routes that encourage active travel. By celebrating and enhancing the area’s environmental, cultural and heritage assets, and by establishing new links between the University of Salford and surrounding communities, the scheme will create a vibrant, connected city district that drives culture and innovation.

Prioritising environmental and social sustainability, we’ve designed the scheme to be net zero in both embodied and operational carbon and to deliver a biodiversity net gain. With its high-quality, accessible public realm and vital green infrastructure, it will generate a sense of place and belonging for those living and working in the area.

The Crescent Salford masterplan was adopted as a Development Framework by Salford City Council in 2021 to guide regeneration and future development.

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Sketch by Adriette Myburgh

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