Carlisle Health and Wellbeing Centre
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Rethinking healthcare

Carlisle Health and Wellbeing Centre

  • Location Carlisle, UK
  • Status Design/concept
  • Service Architecture
  • Sector
  • Area 1,000m²/10,800ft²

We’ve designed proposals for a new non-clinical health and wellbeing centre in northern England. Set within the proposed St Cuthbert’s Hill Garden Village residential development, the centre will provide community and healthcare facilities, with specific attention given to those with long-term debilitating illnesses or musculoskeletal disorders. With surrounding woodland and a variety of transport connections, the centre will be easily accessible while providing opportunities to reconnect with nature.

We envision the centre as a square building around a central courtyard, with distinct wings for different uses. As a multipurpose wellbeing centre, it combines a dance/yoga studio, a workshop, a café, administrative offices, and meetings spaces, all with full-height windows to maximise views of the landscape. We’re prioritising low-carbon, natural and local materials, such as timber and sheep's wool insulation. Coupled with electric services, on-site solar and rainwater harvesting, this approach allows us to confidently target net zero for embodied and operational carbon while supporting wellbeing.

The landscaping is fundamental to the design, nestling the scheme within nature. We integrated overhanging roofs and undulating earth banks to provide protection from harsh winds and extreme temperatures while enhancing the arrival experience. Outdoor amenities include a playing field, camping ground, outdoor theatre, allotments, café seating and a small golf course, providing various spaces for people to enjoy.

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A bright and welcoming healthcare centre
Mixed wellbeing facilities under one roof

Sustainable, low-carbon timber structure

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