5 Centenary Square
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The gateway to Birmingham’s future

5 Centenary Square

  • Location Birmingham, UK
  • Status Planning approved
  • Service Architecture
  • Sector
  • Area 15,800m²/170,000ft²
  • Client Arena Central Developments

5 Centenary Square is Make’s fourth building in Birmingham’s ambitious £500m Arena Central masterplan, which we also designed. Located on the south-west corner of the city’s grand Centenary Square, the building acts as a gateway to the 9.2-acre regeneration site and will offer 15,800m² of Grade A office space over eight storeys. The once-again prestigious square is now home to HSBC UK and will also house HMRC and the University of Birmingham – each in a different Make-designed building.

Our brief for 5 Centenary Square was to create a building that related to its civic surroundings, which include the Symphony Hall, Library of Birmingham and Hall of Memory. The facade facing the square is a chequerboard of pale cream precast concrete panels to match the Portland stone of neighbouring buildings, with recessed glazing that completes the pattern. The curved elevation provides a complementary counterpoint to the Grade II-listed Municipal Bank next door and draws people into the square and the newly created Bank Court to the rear of the building.

Bold but respectful, 5 Centenary Square will provide a fitting introduction to Arena Central as well as Birmingham’s civic and commercial future.

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Our bold building design, paired with the generous park landscape, will create a striking new place in the heart of Birmingham.
Frances Gannon
Project lead, Make

5 Centenary Square’s distinctive design reflects the civic importance of the adjacent Centenary Square and the building’s role as a gateway into the new Arena Central development.

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