The future of architecture – Matthew Bugg
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The future of architecture – Matthew Bugg

We asked ten architects – each of whom joined Make in a different year since 2004 – to write about how they see architecture and the built environment changing over the next ten years. Here is Matt’s response.

I predict more intensive studies of materials and construction methods throughout the design of commercial buildings over the next decade. This is already happening on our 5 Broadgate project, where extensive material research has driven energy performance targets. Energy use will continue to drive design and this will be coupled by expanding research through education. BIM (Building Information Modelling) will allow materials and construction methodologies to be harnessed alongside costs, to further inform our clients earlier in the design process. Rapid design iterations will become the norm.

Energy use will continue to drive design and this will be coupled by expanding research through education.

I also see social networking tools becoming prevalent in connecting architects with new clients and maintaining relationships with the best collaborators. These tools, which will become part of a designer’s daily work, will also help to make new connections and relationships which may not have previously come about. The globalisation of ideas has already ignited a new thinking structure based on these rapidly evolving social networks.

Physical architecture will be able to adapt to these new networks by harnessing micro-technologies. Small computers like the Raspberry Pi released this year could be embedded in architectural components, to record performance but also to communicate with other components – and perhaps even other buildings. There will be a lot more work ‘on the go’ and whether software or hardware, both will develop to place us in the best location for the design task.