BDI wins Make’s second RIBA award this year

日期 18.05.2018
地点 Oxford, England, UK

After our RIBA win for St James’s Market on Tuesday, Make was thrilled to win another for the Big Data Institute (BDI) last night – this time from RIBA South. The BDI is Make’s fifth building for the University of Oxford and forms part of the Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Information & Discovery on the university’s Old Road Campus.

The Institute is a new medical research building dedicated to complex analytical research into the causes, consequences, prevention and treatment of disease. Its layout, which mixes cellular offices with open-plan and breakout areas around a timber-panelled atrium, promotes collaboration and creates a new way of working for researchers more accustomed to traditional cellular offices.

You can read all about the project here, or in this year’s Annual.

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