The LandAid SleepOut was a huge success with food and games supplied by the event sponsors. Make narrowly missed out on the prize for the best decorated bedspace but the team did receive a special shout-out for their recycled paper ‘tent’. Apparently the judges liked the concept but thought the execution would’ve really benefitted from the input of a structural engineer!! We’ll clearly need to find a partner for next year’s event.

Even though temperatures were hovering around freezing, the Make team were wrapped up in thermal, hi-tech gear with sleeping bags and the shelter of Spitalfields Market to protect them. A far cry from what those who are homeless experience every night. But in braving one night outside they, and everyone else who took part, are helping prevent young people from facing the same prospect and changing the lives of young Londoners.

If you’d like to donate to our plucky Makers for taking on this freezing SleepOut challenge, please donate here.