Our design retained as much of the existing fabric as possible, in a move that highlights the building’s heritage and bolsters the project’s sustainability. We retained the almost the entirety of the original structure, as well as chandeliers, handrails, and the wood panelling in the conference rooms.
In the conferencing areas, bespoke, durable flooring has been installed with a grey geometric design that references the building’s signature arches and updated art deco palette. The design also helps practically with the flooring pattern providing a subtle template for hotel staff arranging the furniture for larger events whilst walls have been re-lined in grey and white acoustic fabric.

Design moves include the removal of an interior wall to draw in natural light and air and allow an existing arched window and chandelier to become the features of the space. Stark white walls contrast with the refinished dark metal of the chandeliers and handrails while integrated and ambient lighting allows the spaces to easily transition from day to night-time use.
Project Architect, Mehrnoush Rad said: “In early discussions with Arkadia, we realised that the pre-function space is key. This space is now bright, refreshing, active and able to host modern events. It is a subtle transformation; where-ever possible we retained and restored the existing features of the space, from the chandeliers to the wood wall panelling to be as sensitive to the heritage and sustainable as possible.”